20 Parts Of Espresso Machine And Its Function With Images

If you are going to buy an espresso machine or you already have brought one you would like to know about the parts of espresso machine. It’s essential to know about all espresso machine parts as by learning this you will be able to use your appliance more effectively.

All these parts play an important role in providing you with the desired drink you want. And if any of them doesn’t work you might end on a bad espresso texture. 

So, what are the parts of the espresso machine? Check out the espresso machine parts and their functions in the list below:

  1. Head 
  2. Portafilter
  3. Portafilter spring
  4. Basket of Portafilter
  5. Group gasket
  6. Group screen 
  7. Drip Tray 
  8. Group Dispense Switch
  9. Group Dosing Keypad
  10. Hot water Tap 
  11. Pressure Switch 
  12. Pressure Gauge
  13. Sight glass
  14. Steam Wand 
  15. Steam Wand Tip 
  16. Adjustment Ring or Knob
  17. Bean Hopper
  18. Doser
  19. Doser Buttons
  20. Grinder

Here in this article, we are going to describe each part of the Espresso machine one by one.

20 Espresso Machine Parts Explained(Commercial Accessories)

20 Espresso Machine Parts Explained(Commercial Accessories)-best espresso coffee

1. Group Head

The Group Head is one of the most important parts of an espresso machine, and you might call it the heart of the machine. That’s why this head is known as a group and rarely known as brew head or brew group.

The group head is located at the front side of the machine and helps in putting the water into the filler basket. Typically the portafilter is used to install in the group head to prepare the espresso. 

There are four parts of a group head.

  1. Portafilter
  2. The place to fit the portafilter.
  3. Pump activation space.
  4. The place for the water movement into the portafilter from the machine’s boiler. 
parts of espresso machine - group head

The number of group heads on your machine completely depends on the amount of coffee you want to produce daily.

Typically most espresso machines contain only one group head but most commercial espresso machines (professional cafes, baristas) use up to 7 group heads. 

2. Espresso Machine Portafilter

The portafilter is where espresso is ground before being placed in the group head. This part is easy to remember if you relate it to a portable filter.

Sometimes, it is also called a filter holder to hold coffee. Portafilters seem just like metal baskets and put grounded coffee into the portafilter bucket. 

parts of coffee machine - portafilter

The portafilter is fixed into the ground head of the espresso machine. Once you lock it into the group head, coffee comes out from both spouts of the machine.

Portafilters are available in a variety of sizes. The popular size of portafilters used for commercial machines is 58 mm. Another size that is amazing to produce espresso is 53 mm.

3. Portafilter Filter Spring

Portafilter filter springs usually play a role to keep baskets in place. These springs are located inside the portafilter body.

In most machines, they are shaped in a hexagonal structure but some of them are structured in a round shape. Moreover, Portafilter filter springs come with one open end.

parts of espresso machine - portafilter spring

4. Portafilter Basket

A portafilter basket is also present inside the portafilter just like filter springs. It is a filter screen that is available in two sizes one is single and the other is double size.

A portafilter basket placed inside the portafilter with the help of portafilter springs.

portafilter basket

5. Drip Tray

The drip tray is the tray that we use to place a coffee cup. This tray allows you to adjust the height of the cup according to your requirement.

Another plus point is that the drip tray is easily removable which makes cleaning easier.

drip tray

6. Group Dispense Switch

The group switch is located on the top of the head group. Many automatic espresso machines come with a dispense button that is useful for operating some extra functions.

It is simply an ON/OFF switch that is closely related to the dosing keypads.

7. Group Gasket

The group gasket is a rubber O-ring that holds the portafilter and portafilter basket into a group. This gasket is fixed inside the groove of the group.

Sometimes you have to change the group gasket when you feel leakage in the portafilter. Many times you might need to replace both the portafilter basket as well as the group gasket.

espresso machine group gasket

8. Group Screen

The group screen is also present inside the group head. The screen makes a huge difference in how the water comes out of the group head.

The group screen is also known as the shower, dispersion screen, or shower screen (rarely).

group shower screen

9. Hot Water Tap

A hot water tap is simply the place from where you can get hot water. You may call it a tap or Americano Wand as well. It is used primarily for making Americano beverages, heating ceramic cups, and making tea.

espresso machine hot water tap

10. Group Dosing Keypad

As the name group dosing keypad mentions these are the buttons to activate the group head of an espresso machine.

Usually, you will find these keypads on an automatic espresso machine. You can see different dispense quantities and times with the help of dosing keypads.

Furthermore, these keypads also show the rate of flow of the coffee and programming.

11. Pressure Gauge

The pressure gauge is useful to indicate the pressure. This gauge monitors the pressure of the pump and boiler with the help of two needles.

The other benefit of the pressure gauge is that it shows the health, pressure, or temperature of the espresso machine.

12. Power Switch

The power switch is present on the back of the machine and has an entire operation with general position 2. Three readings 1-0-2 are available for this power switch while working. If your Espresso/ coffee maker is not turning on then do read this post for troubleshooting.

13. Sight Glass

Sight Glass is a simple glass tube that contains water and has two indicators “Minimum†and “Maximum†for level indication.

It is present on the front of the espresso machine to show the range of boiler water. Sight Glass mostly comes with Commercial Espresso Machines. 

14. Steam Wand

The steam wind is just a solid metal pipe also known as the steam pipe. The main function of the steam wand is to steam milk and it can be activated by using a lever or any valve. The way of activation depends on the type of espresso machine. 

The espresso machine’s boiler should be connected to the steam wand to flow the steam. It also produces foams while preparing espresso.

If your coffee maker steam is not coming in good flow then it might be the time for descaling.

steam wand

15. Steam Wand Tip

The steam wand tip is available at the end of the steam wand which is also called the steam tip. Its main purpose is to disperse the steam in a splayed pattern.

Moreover, the steam tip disperses the steam that comes from the steam wand. Typically the Breville espresso machine steam wand lasts longer than others, however, lifespan also depends on the usage and care.

16. Bean Hopper

Bean Hopper is like a jar or any glass or plastic container. It is relatively large to other parts and located on the top of the grinder.

The Hopper contains the espresso beans to feed them into the grinder. The knob can be rotated to burr coffee beans.

espresso machine bean hopper

17. Adjustment Ring or Knob

The main function of this knob is to grind coffee beans. It can grind beans to a powder or simply in a coarse, it depends on the texture you need.

You can get a fine powder or mixture by just rotating the knob. The Adjustment ring or knob is generally present around the bean hopper.

18. Doser – the espresso machine part

Doser helps in holding the ground coffee in a container before putting it into the portafilter. It is located in the front of the grinder.

19. Doser Buttons

Doser Buttons provide us the option of coffee dose according to our requirement. We can freely choose the option that we need.

20. Grinder – grinds the espresso beans

Most automatic espresso machines come with a built-in grinder. The grinder is located on the top of the espresso machine and is used to grind the espresso beans.

In addition, some manual espresso machines also come with a built-in grinder and some may not. 

Parts Of Espresso Machine - The Grinder

Parts of Espresso Machine Infographic

parts of espresso machine infographic
Parts of Espresso Machine Infographic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the handle part of an espresso machine called?

The portafilter is the part that holds the ground coffee in the basket. The portafilter is available in the ground head of the machine. This is the handle part of an espresso machine. So we can say, the portafilter is the handle part of an espresso machine.

What are the 3 Parts of an Espresso Shot?

The three parts of the espresso shot are the Camera, Body, and Heart. The body is also known as the second layer of the espresso shot.

What are portafilter parts’ names?

The espresso machine portafilter parts are the handle, basket, spring clip, spout, and gauge. Hence, all these parts help the portafilter to make a perfect espresso shot.


I hope now you’ve got the idea about the parts and function of the espresso machine and how it works. If you know these parts of espresso machine names you might be able to interact with the machine more professionally.

And even if you feel that the machine is facing some kind of issue, you can understand what part is creating a problem.

Furthermore, knowing the different parts of the machine lets you order or replace any part with confidence. The espresso machine parts can be expensive but purchasing them from the manufacturer can be cost-effective.

Don’t forget to share this post with friends on social media if you liked this post. 

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