Does Espresso Break a Fast? Answered!

Whether you’re into intermittent fasting or controlling your portions, reducing the body weight has never been busy. However, fasting for several hours or extended periods encourage many health markers.

Some people can’t start their morning without hot espresso cup, and it becomes inevitable for them especially while fasting.

featured image of the article on does espresso break a fast is shown

Hence, they may be wondering does espresso break a fast? 

The straightforward answer is no. Espresso doesn’t break a fast unless you add something to it. The other ingredients such as milk, cream, and sugar break your fast since they have calories in them.

Now, several questions must be running through your mind can I drink instant coffee while fasting? does flavor coffee break a fast? how many calories break a fast?

To help you get all the answers and make your intermittent fasting journey easy, we have gathered enough information.
Are you interested to know? Keep on reading!

Why Does Espresso Not Break Your Fast?

Since espresso or any coffee doesn’t have many calories, they can’t break a fast if you’re intermittent fasting. Espresso is made up of hot water and some coffee grounds so the calories are minimal and they might as well be zero.

Using espresso and coffee helps in expanding your fasting schedule. The less caffeine amount in coffee and espresso makes them natural appetite inhibitors. When you consume these drinks straight on empty stomach, they help in weight loss and improve bowel movements.

Moreover, same goes for the other coffee drinks such as iced coffee. You can take it straight in the morning without any addition of milk, cream and sugar and continue your fast.

We have already established through a research-based article by a medical practitioner that coffee can help in reducing weight and eating cravings.

How Does Espresso Affect Intermittent Fasting?

You will be surprised to see the effects of espresso while fasting. Not only, it is perfectly fine for your fasting but provides some great health benefits.

As the espresso has a caffeine content it keeps you full for longer and avoids breaking your fast too soon. Caffeine acts as a natural appetite inhibitor hence helps you achieve your fasting target. Moreover, it works well especially trying to intermittent fast in the morning. We’ve found that having a shot of espresso to sip on when we get up helps us fast until it’s lunchtime.

Espresso and black coffee allow your body to reduce body fat fast and boost your energy levels. Therefore, you can enjoy a refreshing sip of espresso without thinking about espresso calories.
Let’s get down to the medical benefits of Espresso!

women purchasing a cup of espresso at the shop while she is on a fast

1. Boosts Metabolic Health

You have no or fewer chances of gaining extra pounds, high cholesterol, and increased blood sugar levels if you take some amount of caffeine in your daily routine. Espresso reduces the risk of stroke and diabetes.

2. Reduces Inflammation-Does Espresso Break a Fast?

Coffee comes with a wide variety of antioxidants. Espresso is like a small, concentrated punch of all those good antioxidants in a toothsome package. The antioxidants neutralize oxidative stress-inducing and disease-promoting free radicals in the body which further reduces systemic inflammation.

3. Improves Brain Functions-Does Espresso Break a Fast?

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system by promoting the release of brain chemicals. This further helps your brain to focus on your day-to-day duties, mood, and cognition.

Espresso also kick-starts the dopamine in your brain, to aid in concentration. Moreover, espresso consumption lowers the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Boosts Physical Activities

Have you been working hard all night or had an exhausting day at the office? One espresso cup can help you regain your energy.

The caffeine content in the espresso fosters energy levels cheering your mood and increasing your performance.

Does Flavored Coffee/ Espresso Break a fast?

After struggling in the weight loss journey or in the middle of it, your brain can ponder a question will flavored coffee break a fast? You must be tired of counting the calories and saying no to sweet dishes and confectionery items. No worries, you can add some seasonings and flavors to your diet plan without breaking a fast.

a watch face is showing fasting time with an espresso cup shown in between intermittent fast timings

Calories intake per day depends on your fasting goals. Therefore, whether you’re adding milk or sugar in espresso, you decide the quantity. 

Moreover, adding flavors to the coffee and espresso doesn’t mean only putting sugar, milk, cream, and sweeteners. You can also enhance the taste, aroma, and flavors by sprinkling cinnamon powder and adding nutmeg.

Besides that, a teensy bit of cocoa powder, Splenda (low-calorie sweetener), and monk fruit can (natural sweetener) work well without breaking your fast.


1. Can I drink instant coffee while fasting?

Yes, of course, you can have instant coffee without breaking a fast — if you don’t add sugar, cream, or any sweetener. Black coffee contains very few calories; thus, it won’t interrupt a fast. You can also drink tea, water, and other low-calorie or calorie-free beverages.

2. How many calories break a fast?

Calories consumption depends on the diet plan you’re following. If a person follows a strict diet or fasting schedule, they must skip foods and drinks with calories. However, people following a modified fasting diet can have up to 25% of their daily calorie demands while fasting.

3. Does espresso have calories?

1 ounce makes 30 ml of espresso (single shot) which contains 3-5 calories only. On the other hand, the number of calories may increase if you add cream, milk, or sugar.

4. Can you drink espresso while fasting for blood work?

Your medical results may appear inappropriate or wrong if you give in to temptation. Fasting means you don’t eat and drink anything except water usually for 8 to 12 hours beforehand.

The Bottom Line

If you’re into intermittent fasting or fasting for a laboratory or medical test, you may wonder if you’ll have to skip the refreshing cup of espresso. Can you take a coffee while fasting, or does espresso break a fast?

We have done our best to clear your queries about espresso intake and fasting. The good news is that you can have the espresso and maintain a fast — with a few caveats such as the amount of cream, sugar, milk, and sweeteners.

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