How Much Caffeine in One Espresso Bean?

One of the greatest inventions that humans have come up with is coffee. Coffee is a terrific source of energy and is often the first thing people need to give their brains a kickstart. And people often wonder.

How much caffeine is there in one Espresso Bean?

A single Arabica bean contains 6 mg caffeine content. On the other hand, Robusta espresso bean includes 10 mg of caffeine. Whereas a chocolate covered espresso beans have 6-13 mg of caffeine. Arabica is mainly used in homes and is widely available. Whereas, Robusta an expensive and is used in coffee shops.

But the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is also dependent on many factors including and not limited to coffee bean types, roasting method, and origin source. So, let’s get going.

the picture shows a close-up of coffee beans with a tagline "How Much Caffeine in One Espresso Bean?"

Does Espresso Bean Have Caffeine?

One popular myth is that espresso beans do not contain caffeine. However, this is not the case. The accurate question people should be focused on is, how much caffeine is in an espresso bean. 

Let’s start from the basics so you can grasp the concept. When it comes to coffee beans, the most popular and used beans are of two types. The first one is Arabica, which are everyday beans you will find in shops and cafes. Another one is Robusta which falls in the expensive variety found in luxury coffee shops. It is much stronger and bitter in taste as compared to Arabica.

the picture shows coffee beans during wiring of article "How Much Caffeine in One Espresso Bean?"

Now, what exactly is the caffeine content of espresso beans? A single Arabica bean contains 6 mg caffeine content. On the other hand, Robusta contains 10 mg of caffeine.

The caffeine in espresso bean also varies from brand to brand. You can have a look at the packaging of coffee beans and see the quantity mentioned there. 

However, one should not go overboard with the espresso shots. A healthy dose is less than 400 mg per day. Hence, make certain you keep a check on your intake. Otherwise, it can have negative consequences on your health and impede your daily activities. 

Besides that, chocolate-covered espresso bean has 6 to 13 mg of caffeine. The exact amount depends on the type of chocolate and brand that you are using. Since chocolate-covered coffee is used in cold brew in some countries it has more caffeine than normal coffee.

Hope you get the right concept. Now, deep dive into the other caffeine knowledge.

How Much Caffeine is Present In One Cup Of Espresso?

the picture shows coffee bean in a cup to denote how much caffeine is there in a single cup of espresso

Every shop has a different size of cup and brands have different amounts of caffeine in a single bean. Thus, there is no definite answer to it. If we pick an average size of the cup, it will have 40 to 50 beans. So, you can make your calculations accordingly. 

The average cup will have 320 to 340 mg of caffeine. One thing to remember is not to overdo it with the intake. It can disrupt your sleep cycle and make you agitated.

Enjoy your coffee, but keep it to a minimum. 

Espresso Beans Vs Coffee Beans

If you’re thinking there is no difference between coffee beans and espresso beans, then you are far from alone. To someone who has just entered this coffee world, they may seem the same. But that’s not the case, the way beans are roasted makes all the difference.

chocolate coated coffee beans are shown in the picture

So what is the difference between espresso and coffee beans?

Espresso beans are roasted for a longer period which gives them significant brown color. . Due to the longer roasting time, espresso beans give stronger, more concentrated, and richer flavor.In contrast, coffee beans take a short roasting time and may not be rich in natural oils so, making espresso with them will not get a crema and less strong taste.

The good news is that espresso bean contains less caffeine than standard coffee beans. The longer a bean is roasted, the less caffeine it contains.

Thus, for an energizing cup of coffee, use espresso beans to achieve that mood-lifting flavor. Also, the try using the best espresso machines for the desired taste and kick.

Do Espresso Bean Energize You?

Coffee is your saviour when you are knackered. The caffeine in espresso beans is an instant energizer and gives you a boost of energy at any time of the day. They keep you mentally alert and help you stay on track. While it is a quick solution, one should take a nap or sleep if they feel tired. It is not a good practice to keep yourself awake for hours.

The picture shows coffee beans splashing the coffee in a cup denoting that the espresso energises you.

On the other hand, if you are consuming chocolate-coated espresso beans then be prepared to get a double boost. Dark chocolate is the healthiest chocolate and is rich in antioxidants. They provide you with many health benefits as well. 

However, if you are someone on a diet and looking for weight loss through coffee then additives can have weight gain tendencies.


We can take out that espresso beans are quite caffeinated and give you an instant boost to carry on with daily activities. Many of us have this attitude of enjoying life and eating what we desire, though, we need to keep ourselves in check. 

Espresso beans can be beneficial for your health if you take them in a calculated amount. We have explained that how much caffeine in one espresso bean so that you can make espresso cup accordingly and consume considering your health conditions.


1. Can I eat raw espresso beans?

You may consume raw espresso beans, but they may not be particularly tasty. Raw beans are exceedingly difficult to bite and chew on. They also taste bitter, abrasive and harsh. Also, if you haven’t eaten them before, they can induce digestive troubles.

2. Will espresso beans keep you awake?

Yes, espresso beans will keep you awake all night. Don’t be fooled by their modest size; these beans are high in caffeine. Consuming too much coffee at the wrong time will keep you awake at night. Thus, keep the intake under check.

3. Can espresso beans help you lose weight?

Espresso beans contain significant levels of antioxidants and caffeine, both of which are the organic energy boosters. Chlorogenic acid, found in espresso beans, naturally causes the body to burn fat. In the course of time, this can also aid in weight loss.

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