Blonde Espresso Vs. Regular – Know All The Differences!

Thinking of drinking the famous Blonde Espresso but worried whether it’s worth trying or whether the same regular espresso is excellent. We understand your concern, and to help you out, we’ve created this blonde espresso vs. regular guide.

Blonde espresso isn’t like traditional espresso in any way. It was introduced by the famous Starbucks chain back in 2012, and regular espresso was introduced in 1901. Blonde espresso is mildly sweet with a creamy texture, while regular espresso has a bitter and stronger taste.

Wait, that’s not all, apart from the mildly sweet or bitter texture. There are various other things about both coffees, which you can read below in detail. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get into the world of coffee!

What’s Blonde Espresso? A Brief Overview

Blonde Espresso Vs. Regular
Blonde Espresso Vs. Regular

Blonde espresso is a unique, flavorful style of coffee that has been gaining popularity since 2012 among coffee drinkers. It starts with lightly roasted beans that produce a cup of coffee known for its mild flavor and smooth body.

Blonde espresso is creamy but contains slightly more caffeine than its darker counterparts. This results in a sweeter cup of espresso that still has the traditional characteristics associated with regular espresso.

This combination of smoother and less intense flavors provides a medium alternative to powerful coffee types like cappuccinos, lattes, macchiatos, and americanos.

What’s Regular Espresso? A Brief Overview

Espresso is an iconic part of drink culture and something that’s loved by connoisseurs all over the world. Espresso is a shot of highly-pressurized hot water pushed through ground coffee beans.

Though it’s served in incredibly small portions, it tends to have a more intense flavor than regular drip coffee because of the measured amount of water and pressure used to steep coffee correctly.

It is thicker, darker, and more concentrated than other coffees because more force and less water are used for extraction. Espresso provides an instant energy boost while also offering a unique flavor and aroma that can be enjoyed either solo or with other beverages.

 Blonde Espresso Vs. Regular Espresso: Key Differences 

There are several main differences between blonde espresso and regular espresso. Below we’ll share all of these differences one by one. Make sure to read all points so you can get a clear idea of why these two coffees differ.

Caffeine Difference

Caffeine is a widely used stimulant and psychoactive drug. It naturally occurs in coffee beans, tea leaves, and among other sources. When consumed, it boosts the energy level of our body.

Surprisingly, the amount of caffeine that’s found in espresso is lower than the blonde espresso. One shot of espresso has around 75 mg of caffeine, while blonde espresso has more than 80 mg of caffeine.

Flavor Difference

Blonde espresso has a milder flavor than regular espresso and is lighter in color. In contrast, traditional espresso has a stronger flavor and is much darker. One is a sweet version; the other is completely opposite.

Roast Difference

Do you know coffee beans need to be roasted? It’s the first process; after the roasting process, the beans become coffee. This is the step that makes the coffee color and taste different. The difference is blonde coffee is lightly roasted while espresso is dark roasted.

Which Coffee Is Stronger, Blonde Espresso Vs. Regular Espresso?

For coffee aficionados, one question always concerns them: which coffee is stronger, blonde espresso or regular espresso? The brief answer is “blonde espresso” you can read the reasons below:

The key difference lies in the degree of roasting. The roasting process used to make blonde espresso creates an even extraction of acidity and bitterness while also being roasted lighter, resulting in higher caffeine levels.

And since, Blonde espresso contains more caffeine than regular espresso. It’s stronger than espresso and can give you an extra jolt of energy throughout the day. Still, the choice is yours, and you can select any type of coffee.

The Bottom Line

After researching the difference between blonde espresso vs. regular espresso, we can say both are best. A shot of espresso is not bad for someone who loves classic espresso with all its rich flavor. It’s bitter, but not for those who love its bitterness.

On the other hand, Blonde espresso is best. If you want to explore the world of coffee beyond what you already know, go out and get some blonde espresso beans. We promise you won’t be disappointed!

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