Breville Espresso Machine Repair Manually – 7 Problems & Fixes

Have you bought the Breville espresso machine recently at home or has it been years but now you’re facing some issues with the machine? Or, are you just interested to know how does Breville espresso machine repair work?

No worries! I’ve got you covered here. 

In this article, I’ll walk you through some common problems with Breville espresso machines and how you can fix them. But I suggest you must follow the safety precaution mentioned below. 

7 Common Problem With Breville Espresso Machine And Its Manual Fixes

Breville Espresso Machine Repair Manually - 7 Problems & Fixes
Image: Problem With Breville Espresso Machine And Its Manual Fixes

You have probably noticed that your Breville espresso machine is not working as well as it used to. Maybe it’s not producing enough coffee, or the coffee isn’t hot enough. Maybe the pump is too noisy or there is water leaking from the machine. No matter how long the Breville coffee makers last, it’s sure you’re gonna face some issues. 

Whatever the problem, there are some common issues with Breville espresso machines and some easy ways to fix them.

1: The Espresso Machine is Leaking Water

Problem: One of the most common problems with Breville espresso machines is that they start to leak water. If you notice that your machine is leaking water here is the solution. 


  1. Check the water tank to make sure it’s properly seated. If the tank is loose, tighten it until it’s snug. 
  2. Descale your machine. You should descale your espresso machine every 3-6 months as part of regular maintenance. To descale your machine, simply follow the instructions in your owner’s manual.
  3. Check the seals. If they are damaged or worn, they will need to be replaced
  4. Check the gasket. The wear and tear on it will also require replacement.
  5. Check the O-rings. It will also be necessary to replace them if they are damaged or worn.

Watch in Action: Breville Machine Leak Repair

2. The Espresso Machine isn’t Pumping Properly 

Problem: Your espresso machine may not pump properly if you fail to do a few things the right way.

Breville Espresso Machine Repair Solutions

  1. Make sure that the power switch is in the “on” position and that the machine is plugged into an outlet. 
  2. Next, check to see if the steam wand is obstructed. The steam wand releases steam and pressure to force hot water through the grounds and create espresso. If it’s blocked, remove any obstruction and try again. 
  3. Finally, check the filters to see if they need to be replaced. Depending on how frequently you use your machine, filters should be replaced every few months

3. The Espresso Machine isn’t Heating Properly 

Problem: Check these things if your espresso machine isn’t heating properly.


  1. Connect the machine to an outlet and ensure the power switch is in the “on” position. 
  2. Make sure there is enough water in the water tank. 
  3. Check the filters to see if they need to be replaced. Depending on how frequently you use your machine, filters should be replaced every few months.
  4. Troubleshoot the heating element. Try a different outlet. If it still isn’t heating properly, you may need to replace the heating element.

4. Coffee Production Is Not Sufficient

Problem: If you find that your Breville espresso machine is not producing enough coffee, there are a few things you can do. 


  1. Check the grind of the coffee. If it’s too fine, it will restrict the flow of water and reduce the amount of coffee that is produced. 
  2. Check the tamp. If the tamp is too tight, it will also restrict the flow of water and reduce the amount of coffee that is produced. 
  3. Check the filters. If they are clogged, they will also restrict the flow of water and reduce the amount of coffee that is produced.

5. The Coffee Is Too Cold

Problem: If the coffee from your Breville espresso machine is not hot enough, there are a few things you can do. 


  1. Check the grind of the coffee. If it’s too coarse, it will allow too much water to flow through too quickly and the coffee will not be extracted properly. 
  2. Check the tamp. If the tamp is too loose, it will also allow too much water to flow through too quickly and the coffee will not be extracted properly.
  3. Check the boiler temperature. If it’s not set high enough, the water will not be hot enough to extract the coffee properly.

6. The Pump Is Too Noisy: Breville Espresso Machine Repair

Problem: If you find that the pump on your Breville espresso machine is too noisy, there are a few things you can do. 


  1. Descale the machine. Descaling removes any built-up calcium and limescale from inside the machine, which can cause it to make noise.
  2. Clean the steam wand. To do this, take off the steam wand cover and soak it in white vinegar for about an hour. Then use a brush to clean off all of the gunk inside of it. 
  3. Reattach the cover and give it a couple of shots of steam. If this doesn’t work, you may need to replace the steam wand cover or even the entire steam wand itself.

7. The Machine Is Not Turning On

Problem: It is possible to solve the problem of your Breville espresso machine not turning on by following these steps. 


  1. Check the power cord. You will need to replace it if it is damaged or frayed
  2. Check the switch. A defective or damaged one must be replaced
  3. Check the fuse. You’ll need to replace it if it’s blown.

10 Safety Precautions for Breville Espresso Machine Repairs

Breville Espresso Machine Repair Manually
Image: Safety Precautions for Breville Espresso Machine

It can be tempting to try to fix your Breville espresso machine yourself when it breaks down. After all, who knows your machine better than you do? And fixing it yourself can save you a lot of money in repair costs. 

However, before you attempt any repairs, there are some safety precautions you need to take. 

  1. Be sure to unplug the machine before attempting any repairs. 
  2. Handle electrical components with gloves at all times. 
  3. If the machine is wet, do not attempt to repair it. Do not begin any work until all components have dried completely. 
  4. Use tools with extreme care around the machine’s delicate inner workings. 
  5. The grounding of all tools and parts should be checked before beginning work. 
  6. Whenever you tighten or loosen screws or bolts, don’t use excessive force. 
  7. Prior to beginning repairs, make a plan and follow it closely. 
  8. Ensure that all replacement parts are approved by the manufacturer before using them. 
  9. As you disassemble the machine, keep track of each screw and small component. 
  10. Don’t rush repairs; be patient and take your time 

These are just a few of the many safety precautions you need to take when performing Breville espresso machine repairs yourself. Remember, it’s always best to leave complex repairs to trained professionals. But if you do decide to tackle them yourself, just make sure you follow all of these steps to ensure a safe and successful repair job.

Breville Espresso Machine Repair Near Me

Whenever you go for Breville coffee machine repair near you, make sure you know the ethics to handle the machine. You must learn the parts of the espresso machine so that you can tell the worker about the issue. Most of the repairing services provide home delivery, where you don’t need to worry about carrying your machine to the workshop.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Breville Espresso Machine Repair Cost?

The average cost to repair a Breville espresso machine is $145. However, the cost can range from $100 to $400 depending on the problem and the type of machine.

What is the most common problem with Breville espresso machines?

The most common problem with Breville espresso machines is that they do not produce enough coffee. This can be due to a number of factors such as the grind of the coffee, the tamp, or the filters.

What are some tips for maintaining a Breville espresso machine?

Some tips for maintaining a Breville espresso machine include descaling the machine on a regular basis, using filtered water, and using only fresh coffee beans.


Although Breville espresso machines are expensive, their repairing is an easy job, that you can do at home. You just need to understand the root of the cause. Plus you need to understand all parts of an espresso machine so that you can handle it confidently. 

I hope this article has been helpful in troubleshooting some of the most common problems with Breville espresso machines. Remember to descale your machine every 3-6 months and replace filters every few months to keep your machine running smoothly for years to come.

If you’re facing any other problem, or after following any method you’ve repaired your espresso machine. Then tell me in the comment section. 

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