How To Clean Delonghi Espresso Machine With & Without Vinegar?

Despite the fact that you love your Delonghi espresso machine, it will eventually require maintenance. The inside of an appliance becomes stained and sticky with coffee after a few uses. Because there’s not enough cleaning action happening on a regular basis to keep up with all this residue building up around those tiny crevices. But don’t worry I’ve got some best ways to clean Delonghi espresso machine at home. 

Here are quick steps to follow to clean Delonghi espresso machine:

  1. To clean DeLonghi’s front panel, first, remove two screws that lead to the side vents. 
  2. Replace cold water with hot water in the reservoir and start the machine. 
  3. Turn off the power and let the steam dissipate for 5 minutes. 
  4. After draining, thoroughly rinse the espresso machine. 
  5. Using hot water and soap, wash the gadget as directed in the manual. 
  6. Finally, rinse and use a paper towel to dry the machine.

For a detailed solution, let us dig further to know how to clean Delonghi espresso machine!

How To Clean Delonghi Espresso Machine? Step-by-Step Guide 

How to clean delonghi espresoo machine
Created By: Shumaila Graphics

This is a very basic procedure, but it needs to be performed regularly to ensure that your espresso machine continues to function properly. The recommended cleaning schedule for a Delonghi espresso machine is every three to four uses, or once per week if used daily. If you only make espresso on rare occasions, after every five shots you should give the machine a good cleaning.

Things Required To Clean Delonghi Espresso Machine:

Step 1: Take Out The Portafilter And The Drip Tray

When cleaning an espresso machine, always start by taking out the portafilter and drip tray. Remove the portafilter from the coffee maker and shake out the used grounds. A coffee filter can be used to collect the coffee grounds instead of the espresso machine filter if you clean it frequently. Next, take out the drip tray and either clean it or replace it with a brand-new one.

Step 2: Remove The Used Coffee Grounds

Avoid making a mess by shaking the portafilter containing the coffee grounds over a sink or other low surface. Shake out the used coffee grounds, and then rinse the portafilter in clean water. In addition to preventing scale buildup, the water will help dislodge any remaining grounds that have become stuck to the portafilter.

Step 3: Fill The Machine With Hot Water

After that, you need to fill the machine with hot water. The coffee oils and grounds that have built up inside the machine will be more easily removed. To use, fill the water tank with a small amount of clean water and turn on the machine as though you were making espresso. 

Three or four cycles through the machine should be sufficient for water to emerge from the steam wand each time.

Step 4: Purge The Bean Hopper

Many of the oils and grounds that contribute to coffee’s flavor end up in the bean hopper. If you do your coffee grinding, you know how important it is to keep this area clean.

  • In the first place, turn the machine off and remove the plug.
  • After that, take off the top of the espresso machine to gain access to the bean hopper and the grinding settings.
  • Now take off the machine’s lid and pull out the hopper.
  • Put a spoon inside the hopper and scrape away the caked-on dirt and coffee grounds.
  • Make sure you scrub the machine’s interior as well as the hopper’s lid.
  • When you’re done cleaning the hopper, lid, and inside of the machine, you can put the top back on.
  • Return the plug to the machine and power it on.
  • After cleaning the bean hopper, you should run a small amount of water through the machine to remove any remaining dirt or debris.

Step 5: Sterilize The Milk Frother

The flavor of your coffee will change as oils and dirt build up in the milk frother of your espresso machine. For users’ convenience, the frother has dual cleaning options. To remove the grime and oil, you can either use a cleaning solution and a soft brush, or you can use espresso beans as a scrubby. 

When cleaning the frother, wipe down both the interior, where the milk is heated, and the exterior, where the steam escapes.

How To Clean Delonghi Espresso Machine With Vinegar?

It is a good option to descale your Delonghi espresso machine with vinegar for a low-cost and simple cleaning option. Natural oils and dyes can be safely and effectively removed from the machine’s surfaces using this method. Here is a quick and easy method for cleaning and disinfecting your DeLonghi espresso machine parts with vinegar.

Combine three parts vinegar with one part water and run the dishwasher as usual. However, before attempting this, you should always check the manual to make sure the concentration of the vinegar solution you plan to use will not cause damage to your Delonghi espresso machine. If you are unsure how much solution to use, use the same amount of water. 

Pro Tip
Be sure to flush the lines with clean water after using vinegar to clean your espresso machine. The remaining residue will be removed from the cleaner after use.

10 Steps To Clean Delonghi Espresso Machine With Vinegar

  1. Fill your machine’s storage tank with water.
  2. The manufacturer recommends putting 1 tablespoon of white vinegar for every 5 cups of water in the reservoir. To fully dissolve the powder, stir it for a while with a long spoon.
  3. You can clean your DeLonghi espresso machine by removing the filter and filter basket.
  4. You can use your DeLonghi coffee maker by simply connecting it to an electrical outlet.
  5. Put the empty carafe of coffee in the right spot on the warming tray.
  6. Select “On” from the machine’s control panel to initiate brewing.
  7. Once the reservoir’s contents have gone through your machine, you can empty the carafe.
  8. Now, cold water should be added to the reservoir.
  9. Put the purified water into your espresso machine and brew.
  10. Once the carafe no longer smells like vinegar and there is no calcium residue, you can stop the brewing process.

Clean De’Longhi Espresso Machine – Watch Youtube Video

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What Will Happen If Delonghi Espresso Machine Is Not Cleaned?

If the mineral scale is not removed, it can restrict water flow and eventually stop your espresso machine from functioning. Consequently, it will take too long for your coffee to cool down enough to drink. 

Do Delonghi Espresso Machines Suffer Damage From Vinegar?

Seals and rubber gaskets, in particular, are vulnerable to the acidity of the vinegar and could be ruined if you use them in your coffee machine. Furthermore, flavor and aroma will linger in the espresso machine for a long time despite extensive rinsing.

What Is The Recommended Cleaning Schedule For A Delonghi Espresso Machine?

Clean the machine after one month regularly or after every 20 shots to increase its life. Make sure you use a cleaning tablet or powder every 20 brews. When using any kind of chemical cleaner on the group head, be sure to give it a good rinsing with cleaning afterward.


Delonghi espresso machines are good to use and they are reliable for making coffee. By keeping your espresso machine clean regularly, you can extend its useful life, enhance the flavor of your coffee, and maintain a pleasant aroma in your kitchen. The cleaning procedures described here are suitable for use on virtually any kind of espresso machine. Furthermore, the cleaning procedures vary by model, so check the manual if you are unsure.

Maintaining your Delonghi espresso machine regularly will ensure its continued smooth operation. The coffee will be more enjoyable, and your room will have a pleasant aroma. The techniques described in this article can be used in virtually any kind of housekeeping. Finally, l am hoping you are familiar now to clean Delonghi espresso machine at home without any technical knowledge required. 

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