How Long Does Espresso Last? Everything Explained

Is espresso the first thing you crave in the morning? Are you contemplating how many espresso shots you can consume in a day? Well, we don’t blame you. Espresso drink gives you a quick wake-up call in the morning allowing you to take part in the chit-chat of everyday life. 

So How Long Does Espresso Last?

At a comfortable temperature, one espresso shot is completely safe to consume for up to 24 hours. Keep it chilled and well-stored, if you’re willing to keep it for an additional day before the flavor begins to fade.

Stick to our blog. We have got so much to reveal!

featured image shows an espresso shot with a tagline of "how long does espresso shot lasts"

How Long Does Espresso Stay Fresh? Do Espresso Shots Expire?

Being coffee lovers, we all are afraid to see the taste and quality deteriorating over time. Hence, we need quick solutions to keep this longer. But does espresso stay long? The answers are subjective. Also, it is not as simple as you may think.

You will find people telling it may take 3 days. While some are of the view that the taste goes bad in just 10 seconds.

The foamy crema on top of an espresso shot is referred to in the argument that an espresso lasts for 10 seconds. If you’re pouring an espresso and your layer of crema only lasts for 10 seconds, have a look at the settings of your espresso machine.

Why Does Espresso Go Bad?

There is a significant distinction that we need to make here. Ground and roasted espresso beans last longer than the brewed espresso shots.

Just like any other type of coffee, espresso grind goes decayed and loses freshness over time. How long it takes for beans to go stale or rotten depends on how it’s stored, although in general, you should consume them within two weeks of after roasting.

At a comfortable temperature, one espresso shot is completely safe to consume for up to 24 hours. Keep it chilled and well-stored, if you’re willing to keep it for an additional day before the flavor begins to fade

When the espresso shot starts to go stale, the flavors of the beans get suppressed, and it tastes bitter. The oils begin to rise to the surface of the brew, which will also cause it to look unpleasant. Your espresso may also taste sour and acidic if it goes bad.

When espresso gets old, the coffee oils start clumping together, and as a result there is a thick oily lump.

How Long does Espresso Last in your Fridge?

There is no reason that supports why you would want to keep your espresso shots in your fridge. Don’t wait, it is an espresso shot so drink it right away for maximum flavors and freshness.

Otherwise, you can keep the espresso cup in the fridge for 3 days. Some sources say that you can keep the espresso for a week as well. However, the taste degrades and will be less fresh.

Well, when storing in the fridge keep the lid covered to stop it from absorbing other scents. The second tip is to go for frozen espresso shots. They last much longer and give you a refreshing feel

Furthermore, place the espresso cup in the coldest area of the fridge for example the back or the bottom. The spoiling process slows down at these parts.

It’s a much better practice to consume espresso shots timely rather than risk having espresso that has gone bad. After some time flavoring of espresso will not stay at the top of its game.

How Long Do Espresso Shots Last in Your Body?

The caffeine from espresso has a half-life of 4 to 5 hours in the adult body. This entails that nearly half of the caffeine in an espresso remains active in your body 5 to 6 hours later.

picture shows a woman drinking espresso shot

However, this might vary based on several variables like your metabolism, weight, age, and general wellness. While the effect of a premade espresso will last for a few hours only despite being present in the body.

Tip: Avoid taking espresso shots at night if you don’t want to wake up sleep deprived. Taking caffeine in the evening can alter your sleep patterns

If you love espresso for its taste then give a try to blonde Espresso which is more aromatic and flavor enriched.

How to Store an Espresso Shot? 

You can keep your espresso shots in the refrigerator or fridge overnight and they will still taste excellent. However, reheating it will not give you the same aroma and taste.

You may also face trouble reintegrating the crema, and you will have lost a significant portion of the body and flavor.

On the other hand, an instant espresso can be stored for 3 to 4 days in your fridge and gives you an excellent flavor. Hence, you don’t keep them stored for a much longer time if you want to experience the best taste.

How much espresso can you drink safely?

For healthy living, limit your intake of espresso. Based on the coffee brand, a single one-ounce espresso contains anything from 60 to 185 milligrams of caffeine. Depending on the power of the espresso, you can drink two to six shots per day.

If you are wondering how much caffeine is there in a single espresso bean then go though this post.

We know that you love to consume coffee. But you need to consider your health as well. The Food and Drug Administration says that espresso under 400 mg is safe.

A more detailed intake of the health benefits of Espresso reveals that it is good for mental wellness as well if intake is moderate.

Avoid going overboard with your espresso shots. It is great if you stick with the recommended dose. 


You all love to have a hot and steaming shot of espresso but don’t always get the time to make one before heading out the door? Or sometimes you make more than the consuming quantity of a day.

Fear not; we have discussed the details and tips for how long you can keep the espresso. But you need to take it with caution. You wouldn’t want to disturb your sleep cycle and everyday functioning. Use limited espresso shots daily and try to keep the routine in your hands.


1. How to tell if espresso has gone bad?

Try to take a sniff and if it smells off, you shouldn’t consume it. Many people ask do espresso shots expire. Yes, they do. This is why you should drink fresh espresso and don’t store it for the long term.

2. Is it good to reheat espresso?

It is not a good idea to reheat espresso. When you reheat coffee, you reorganize its chemical composition and make-up, which destroys its flavor.

3. How long can you stay awake with an espresso shot?

It depends on the amount you are consuming. Generally, 60mg can keep you awake for 3 to 5 hours. If you increase the dose, you can stay awake for 10 to 12 hours. But don’t fall prey to this trick. Try to sleep on time to function in a better way.

4. Can you buy premade espresso?

You can buy premade espresso and find them easily in many grocery stores. Though, the quality varies greatly from brand to brand.

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